
Can you tell what's wrong on this Bumpa website?



Precious Gift .Sep 17, 2023

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So, I want you to take a look at the picture below or click here to view this Product on a Bumpa user's website and tell me what errors you can spot in 10 seconds.

What can you tell is not helping this user make online sales?

Let's start a countdown and let's see how many errors you can point out in 10 seconds.











Here are the things wrong with the Product on that website.

1. The Product Name is too generic.

Why would you name the product you're selling Heel Shoe?

At the very least, this shoe has a brand name, that should be added to the name or it's a particular type of shoe e.g.: strapped heels or something like that.

A better name for this Product would be 'Pink Louboutin Strap Heels" or "Satin Straps Jimmy Choo Heels"

Using a non-specific name is wrong and it can hurt your brand integrity.

2. The images don't tally.

The name of the Product is Heel Shoe but it has flat shoes in the images there and none of the shoes are even the same.

You can add multiple pictures showing the same product in different colors but one thing you shouldn't do is add unrelated pictures in one product upload.

See this Bumpa website whose pictures all match here.

3. The image is not great quality.

Sales start from the perception the buyer has about your product and the first way to communicate that your product is great or not is in the quality of the image you post.

The image used for this Product is blurry. A clear picture would do better for sales. See this Bumpa user who has great pictures here.

4. The Price is giving - you want to scam me.

If I was a buyer, I would run away.

There's no kind of discount you're doing that you will be selling a product worth 20,000 for 200 naira.

Having a 98% discount is not only business-suicide but it is also one reason for any buyer to run away.

4. No Product Description.

As you can see on the link, there is no description on the product. Products with great descriptions help your buyer make better sales decisions and also help with website traffic/SEO.

See a great example here.

5. Wrong Message on their Web Banner

Can you see that their web banner message says Happy Easter? Easter has been for over 5 months now. It is definitely time to change that.

See what this Bumpa user uses as her store banner.

If you got 5 out of 5, you're a Pro at online sales I would say.

If you got 3 or 4, you're good!

If you got 2 and below, we need to strengthen your online sales strategy.

Things You Might Have Missed.

There are 2 other things that you might not have picked on.

- Tags

- Reviews.

These are not wrong things but they are things that the business owner could have added to set themselves up for more success.

Tags: If the business owner had added the Product to Collections, it would have shown on the Product Page as Taga and made it possible for the buyer to view other Products from those collections.

Reviews: If buyers can see positive reviews on a Product, it encourages more people to make payments and can convert more website views to sales. See an example of a Product with a review here.

What Can You Learn From This?

You should do a website audit at least once a month, especially if you do a lot of online sales or you're going in that direction.

Check your website and see if there's anything wrong or something you can improve on.

Finally, one good thing about the owner of the Heel Shoe is that their store theme fits their brand color which is black.

Color customization and other website customization features are available on both Bumpa Starter and Bumpa Pro plans.

Here's a free ebook from Bumpa on how to make 100 orders online.

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